[Click photo/poster to enlarge]
The University of California at Santa Barbara is now accepting applications from students for its Ph.D. program in Chicana and Chicano Studies. The application deadline is December 15 for financial aid consideration, and January 1 without financial aid consideration.
Please feel free to forward this information and the attached copy of our Ph.D. informational poster to your students who are interested in applying to graduate school.
M.A./Ph.D. Program
The M.A./Ph.D. program engages students in the interdisciplinary study of Chicana and Chicano history, culture, and politics. Our students explore Chican@ experiences in their most broad, comprehensive sense, informed by several philosophical and theoretical schools, historical and political scholarship, literary and religious traditions, artistic movements, mass media, and video and film. The M.A./Ph.D. in Chicana and Chicano Studies challenges students to understand social justice issues by linking theory, teaching, and scholarship in the academy and larger community.
UCSB Graduate Division
The Graduate Division is committed to excellence in research, diversity, and intellectual innovation in UCSB graduate education.
Those interested in applying to the program should visit the UCSB Graduate Division web site https://www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/programs/index.cfm?event=showProgramDetail&majorID=109 for information about the required application materials. Information about the on-line application process is available at https://www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/eapp/index.cfm.
Department of Chican@ Studies
For more information contact Katherine Morales, Staff Graduate Program Advisor, Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, (805-893-5269)or kmorales@chicst.ucsb.edu.
You can't imagine how much this tickles me.
The California central coast is racist and to a degree backward
(profound apologies to those who strive to make a difference and live there) most rural areas in California are solidly Republican.
Most Mexicans, Latinos, Chicanos are working class.
If their children are lucky enough to go to college, they stay in the cities that drew them out in the first place.
(For example the boomlet of college educated Chicanos in San Diego.)
For there to be a PhD opportunity about those of us who nearly drowned in the anti Latino sentiment in this area really brings my life experience full circle.
How many other PhD programs are there in California?
I wonder.
Would it be a better, safer, more empowering space than the hostile Ph.D. environment I am in right now? Are all Ph.D. programs essentially the same--cold, unwelcoming spaces which reify the same inequalities that we have fought against all our lives? I look to this program and wonder if I should/could be here instead. I also ask myself every day: will I make it? will I be able to carry the torch of the Xicanas and Xicanos who came before me? Or will the institution kill my spirit before I get to that point?
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